Free Consultation

Free Consultation

Free consultation available at GeoBroker

The process to acquire a geo-domain name for your business or new venture begins long before you begin checking the marketplace for available names. If you want an ultra-premium, exact-match domain name that integrates with your marketing and branding strategies, the effort invested before the search begins will pay off for you. GeoBroker, a name broker specializing in the acquisition and sale of geo-domain names, offers free consultation services designed to analyze your needs and establish criteria to identify the geo-domain name to meet them.

GeoBroker consultation services

A free consultation with the experts at GeoBroker begins with an analysis of the branding concept you have in mind for your business and the marketing strategy you intend to use to achieve it. The information gathered about your business allows GeoBroker to establish criteria a suitable domain name must meet in order to be a perfect match to your branding and marketing goals.

GeoBroker offers a variety of services to assist in name selection, including:

  • Market testing.
  • Branding and naming exercises.
  • Trademark protection and availability research.

The initial stage of the acquisition process includes a search of the market to compile a list of suitable domain names meeting the criteria established for your company.

Generating quality information and data to help you select a name

A consultation with GeoBroker includes information about the following with regard to domain names meeting your criteria:

  • Potential ranking with search engines.
  • Ease of recognition by customers.
  • Potential market leadership and credibility.
  • Relevancy with search engines.
  • Potential for direct and organic traffic.

Using GeoBroker services connects you to a vast network of owners of available geo-domain names.

GeoBroker free consultation

Whether you are in the market to acquire a domain name for a new business or need one to rebrand an existing one, a free consultation with the experts at GeoBroker gives you the guidance and information you need. Go to to learn more about scheduling a free consultation.

For more information about acquiring or selling Geo-Targeted domain names contact us at 212-613-6000 or email us.